13.2 C
Niagara Falls
Friday, May 3, 2024
Letter: Disgusted, again, by actions of carriage protesters

Dear editor:

On Sunday, myself and a few other carriage supporters took to the streets to film.

For the most part, we kept to ourselves, just capturing anything we could of the “main street protesters,” as was recommended by the Niagara Regional Police in the past (for everyone’s protection).

While there, I was hit by both an umbrella and a sign … that should tell you what kind of social distancing was taking place. There was also a rather obnoxious woman who kept coughing and, of course, none of these people were wearing masks.

Is there no longer a pandemic? Did I miss the memo? Last I checked, the town was so concerned about COVID-19, it was closing streets to help with social distancing.

I am writing to you in absolute disgust. The fact that these yahoos were allowed to parade around our town in the manner that they did Sunday, using noise transmitting devices and shouting, while both bylaw officers and the Niagara Regional Police sat idle, just enjoying the show, is absolutely despicable.

It has been three years now that the carriages have been putting up with this and the fact that this is still happening is absolutely ridiculous.

Has no one looked into these people? Does no one know what they’re actually here for?

The carriages are nothing more than an easy target and Niagara-on-the-Lake is nothing more than a soapbox to stand on and spin stories to make people buy into their propaganda.

I bet no one knows these are the same people who have protested Queen Street retailer Elle Du Monde, the same people who attacked the Scottish Loft’s Facebook page, the same people who threatened to protest Caroline Cellars because of its annual Lobsterfest, the same people who were against Southbrook Winery for having sheep, the same people who protested Gryphon Ridge Highlands, the same people who told everyone to boycott our wineries, the same people who protested the Royal Canadian Legion for hosting a pig roast, the same people who projected images on our town’s cenotaph.

Their ultimate goal is not to have carriages banned. The carriages are just a means to an end. These people want to take away any and all partnership between human and animal.

They want all domestication abolished – no more “pet ownership,” no more service animals, no more police animals, no more horseback riding, no more non-vegans. They’re not your friends unless you’re an “anti-speciesist” vegan.

First, they’ll come for the carriages, then they’ll come for the stores that sell fur and leather, then they’ll come for the grocery stores and the restaurants selling meat and dairy (ice cream), then they’ll come for the farmers, and so on.

In fact, if you look into “Direct Action Everywhere,” some of these things are already being targeted around the world. We can’t allow this to happen in our town. It’s time to get loud.

This group cares nothing for the tourism or reputation the town of Niagara-on-the-Lake has spent decades building. Their disgusting behaviour this weekend shows their lack of respect for anybody or any business in this town.

It’s time to tell these people that when you cross the line drawn in the sand, you’re no longer just peacefully protesting, you’re infringing on other people’s rights.

Our businesses are already struggling enough due to COVID without having to put up with this. Enough is enough.

Jennifer Jones-Butski


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