12.2 C
Niagara Falls
Sunday, May 5, 2024
COVID-19: Letter: Town’s tactics hurt small businesses

Dear editor:

I write to say I wholeheartedly support the sentiments of Earle Vance re: gestapo tactics, (“Pandemic Gestapo tactics are unnecessary,” letter, May 7).

In my opinion, the mayor and the council have gone over the top in virtue signalling.

What I don't see in your newspaper is a recognition of the impact these tactics have on the well-being of people of who have worked for years to establish a business and a community, and are struggling desperately to make a living.

Your editorial in the same edition asking the Niagara Parks Commission to close parking lots adjacent to wide-open spaces and healthy outdoor activity is absurd.

We can open garden centres but can't go for a walk in the park. Ridiculous!

John Vanzante


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