17.7 C
Niagara Falls
Monday, May 6, 2024
Stay Fit: Four workouts to keep you going

Jaclyn Willms

Special to The Lake Report

Get out your small loop bands, booty bands or resistance bands and get sweaty with us at home, at the gym or while you’re travelling!

Traditionally bands are used for rehabilitation exercises and stretching exercises but you can also use them to tone your entire body, burn body fat and get that heart rate up.

Bands are an amazing tool to help keep up your exercise routine while you’re away this winter or just want to work out at home.

Here are four exercises to keep you going!

1. Alternating Lateral Squats

2. Glute Matrix

3. Single Arm Bent Over Row

4. Plank walk

For videos on how to perform these stretches correctly visit @niagarafit on instagram.

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