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Niagara Falls
Thursday, February 6, 2025
Sports: Hot putter helps Yolanda Henry to stellar round
Yolanda Henry shot 87 last Tuesday in the NOTL 18-hole women's league and only needed 26 putts to do it. DAVE VAN DE LAAR / FILE

Yolanda Henry’s putter was on fire last Tuesday in the 18-hole women’s league at the Niagara-on-the-Lake Golf Club.

Max Horning had the best Stableford score with 23 points.

Other winners were: Joe Mulholland (closest to the 150 marker on #1), Larry Heim (longest putt #2), John Liotta (longest drive #3), and Larry Mantle James (#4) and Grigjanis-Meusel (#9) were closest to the pin.

Tom Elltoft cashed in on the skins game. His birdie on #1 earned a gross skin and a net eagle skin. Anthony Sanfelice did the same thanks to a birdie on #4.

Other net skins: Max Horning (#2 and #9), Quinton Spagnol (#3), Stephen Warboys (#5) and John Grimstead (#6).

The previous week, another lefty, Jim McMacken shot even-par 36 to win low gross. Ted Wiens won the Stableford scoring with 22 points.

Other winners were: Mike Henry (closest to 150 #1), Dave Gagne (longest putt #2), Zach Luis (longest drive #3), Robert Yamamoto (#4)  Adam Cutler (#9) were closest to pin.

Birdies won gross skins for: Patrick Craig (#1), Neudorf (#2), Mark Derbyshire (#3) and Wiens (#9).

Net skins winners were: Peter Danakas (#1), Noel Morris (#2), Luis (#3) and Stuart Young (#8).

In last Tuesday’s WOOFs league, McMacken led all players with an even-par 36. Randy Busbridge was low net with 35.

Ted Carmichael’s birdie on #4 won the hidden hole and Alan Robb was closest to the pin on #4.

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