25.5 C
Niagara Falls
Friday, July 26, 2024
Ross’s Ramblings: NOTL election signs could use a jolt of imagination
This stretch of road in Virgil is home to 14 election signs. Ross Robinson

There has got to be a better way.

Let’s think about options to lawn signs, which most of our municipal candidates obviously love. Are they really the most cost-effective and efficient way to draw votes?

Egads. One well-tended front lawn in Old Town has been dominated by seven lawn signs obscuring the flowers and other plantings for over seven weeks.

And along a stretch of Niagara Stone Road in Virgil, 14 signs have taken up residence.

For the past 50 days or more, our pretty wee town has definitely not deserved the title of “Canada’s Prettiest Town.”

We have been conditioned to accept visual clutter and as election campaigns play out it is often hard to see the forest for the signs. Especially at this precious time of year, with nature providing countless effulgently coloured trees to remind us that God truly loves us, and wants us to be happy and inspired.

No need to drive up north to be overwhelmed by autumn splendour. Take a drive along the Niagara Parkway from Fort Erie to Niagara-on-the-Lake, which some locals say Sir Winston Churchilll described as “a beautiful Sunday afternoon drive.”

Yes, some local folk even believe he waxed effusive and said it was the most beautiful Sunday afternoon drive in the world. Let’s just say the great wartime leader almost certainly enjoyed his drive along the mighty Niagara River.

Go for a walk on the Bruce Trail or make an afternoon drive out to Ball’s Falls, the Short Hills or many other local autumn delights.

Allow me to ramble back now to my two cents’ worth regarding election signs.

Since moving here, I have often displayed lawn signs that declared my support for candidates whom I believed would work to make our lives better. Never more than one sign at a time and they could not be installed until the actual election was less than 14 days away.

A few friends have been upset with me for this policy, but that’s life in a democracy, eh?

Why do none of our current candidates have their favourite selfie on their lawn signs? Up in Niagara Falls, municipal candidates proudly display their new beards, moustaches and hairstyles. So many good-looking candidates…

C’mon NOTLers, don’t be so shy. Put your best face forward, with a clever slogan.

Why not fly a banner behind a small airplane out of our Niagara District Airport? How about some advertising on the west-facing wall of Willow Cakes and Pastries. Or on the wall of Silk’s Country Kitchen that faces Creek Road? Lots of passersby.

The big banner sign that welcomes visitors to Old Town at the corner of Queen and Mississagua? Get with modern technology and think about a scrolling digital sign like we see in front of the community centre and the arenas. Maybe even tastefully illuminated?

Oops: Permit me to conclude by thanking eScoot’s Colin Telfer for correcting my error last week when I stated that the QEW was named after our recently departed, much loved Queen Elizabeth II. In fact, this busy highway was named in honour of her Mum while she and her hubby KIng George VI enjoyed a Royal Tour of Canada in 1939.


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