25.8 C
Niagara Falls
Friday, July 26, 2024
Editorial: Don’t let down your guard

After months of living through the threat and then the reality of a worldwide pandemic that has hit oh-so-close to home, restrictions on our activities are now being eased.

We are now able to move about more freely in the community, after two months of being at home and limits on where we can go, what businesses are open and how we all should behave.

But let’s not make the mistake of thinking things are back to normal. What was once normal for us all might never return, thanks to the COVID-19 pandemic.

With warmer spring temperatures on the horizon – finally – it will be easy to lose sight of the need to maintain some of the strictures we have had to embrace since life irrevocably changed in March.

We all need to be careful to not let down our collective guard. NOTL has been relatively lucky as there has not been a large COVID outbreak in the community nor in our long-term care homes. For that we can all be thankful.

However, many experts already have warned that, as with SARS in 2003, a second wave of COVID could easily erupt and spread widely if people are careless.

So, please, let’s all mind our physical and social distancing, keep washing our hands, wear a mask (when distancing is a problem, as federal health officials now recommend), but above all, treat one another with respect and care.

It’s been a stressful time for everyone. We don’t want to have to turn back the clock and head for lockdown again.


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