25.5 C
Niagara Falls
Friday, July 26, 2024
Letter: Appalled by racist attitudes

Dear editor:

I was appalled as I read about the treatment Yvonne Bredow received by people in this town, (“Racist attitudes a common occurrence,” The Lake Report, April 16).

I moved here six years ago from Toronto and have been told by a number of longtime residents that NOTL can be an unfriendly place to certain ethnic and racial groups.

I believe that everyone who sees racism, whether overt or covert, should call it out for what it is, whether it be the behaviour of family, friend, neighbor or co-worker.

I want to thank both Yvonne and The Lake Report for bringing this out into the open. Hopefully, it will make this town a wonderful place to live for everyone.


Mary Varacalli


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