23.1 C
Niagara Falls
Friday, July 26, 2024
Editorial: Decorum, please. Lets play nice

It’s been over a year since a public meeting was held at the NOTL Community Centre regarding plans for the Randwood Estate — and we’re about to do it all over again today, May 9.

Last year we published an editorial response critical of some in the crowd at the meeting.

The crowd was impatient, rude and berated a woman who had gotten up to defend bees by rush-clapping her off the podium and in general acting like children who “want their dessert now!”

So this week, and in future, when the masses inevitably gather to fight a battle they were pulled into during the lead up to last year’s election, we remind people that public meetings should have decorum.

No matter what side you are on, you should not sigh, groan, clap, applaud, boo — or anything of that nature — while attending an open meeting of council. Or LPAT or any other official body.

We heard from many who agreed with our stance last year — which was that NOTL needs to act friendly to stay friendly.

One way to act friendly is by, at the very least, not attacking folks who standing up for what they believe in simply because you’d like to get home in time to see the Leafs lose. (That was last year. They’re already out this season.)

If you don’t have self-control to respect the proper etiquette during a public meeting, you should stay home. If you want to speak at a public meeting, do it through the proper channels. That’s your right —and hopefully nobody rushes you off.


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