Thursday marked the return of Legion Branch 124’s weekly fish fry after a three-week holiday hiatus.
For the room full of NOTL residents who came out for the first fry of the year, this meant the return of the best fish and chips in town.
“We’re happy that the three weeks they were gone are over. We’re enjoying being back,” JoAnne Longmoore told The Lake Report.
Her husband, Brent Longmoore, said the weekly dinner is a staple social outing in NOTL.
“It’s a place where you will always see someone you know,” he said.
Brent Longmoore added it’s nice to have dinner in a place so meaningful in the community.
“It’s a touchback to family members who served. I lost an uncle at Vimy Ridge and every time I come in here I think of him,” he said.
Longmoore said he hopes to see more young people come out to Legion gatherings like the fish fry and continue to honour those who served.
Running from 4 p.m. to 7 p.m., fish and chips along with a side of coleslaw are available for the tax-free price of $10.50 for one piece and $16 for two pieces.
The tax-free prices are in effect every Thursday until Feb 13.