In the interest of getting more face-to-face time with the people who populate the town of Niagara-on-the-Lake, Lord Mayor Gary Zalepa is set to host a series of public meetings across the municipality this winter.
Starting Thursday, Zalepa will be hosting open houses in each of NOTL’s five villages.
The “village visits” will feature a brief presentation from the municipality and time for residents to connect with council members and town staff.
“These village visits are an important part of how we can stay connected as a community,” Zalepa said in a media release.
The open houses are scheduled in St. Davids on Jan. 9, Glendale on Jan. 16, Virgil on Feb. 3, Old Town on Feb. 18 and Queenston on Feb. 20. Each will take place from 6:30 to 8 p.m.
The visits will provide a forum for residents to discuss key town initiatives, Zalepa said.
Zalepa told The Lake Report the town has been wanting to host these village visits since the beginning of last year to give residents a better opportunity to share input and ask questions.
“Especially things that council has on the plate for this year such as the official plan, hospital renewal and heritage expansions plans.”
Zalepa said much of the information residents wish to see about these municipal endeavours is available on the town’s website,, but meeting in-person offers a place to have an informed conversation.
“Face-to-face is so much better than anything else. I find some things could be interpreted online in a way that is not as effective, so this is a good way to do that,” he said.
To check out the venues for these meetings, visit