18.6 C
Niagara Falls
Friday, July 26, 2024
Inaugural Road Rally aims to raise $20,000 for Red Roof Retreat
Jon Taylor is leading Red Roof Retreat’s inaugural Road Rally in September. (Supplied)

Retired business executive Jon Taylor always likes to have a charitable event to get behind and this year he’s leading Red Roof Retreat’s inaugural Road Rally in September. 

With 25 spots at $500 per team of four, Taylor says the Sept. 16 fundraiser is a surefire way to raise some serious money for an important cause.

“Between corporate sponsors and team entries, we’re hoping to raise maybe $20,000 for Red Roof, which would be great for an inaugural event.”

The rally will begin at 9 a.m. with registration and breakfast catered by the Pie Plate, followed by the main scavenger hunt at locations around NOTL at 10 a.m. A closing lunch will follow.

“Basically the challenge is these cars will go in and around Niagara-on-the-Lake solving 25 clues. Each of these clues is solved by sending a photo back to our scorers,” said Taylor.

Cars will have staggered start times, leaving every two minutes from Red Roof’s Ranch, on Concession 6, starting at 10 a.m.

Teams will have two hours to complete the challenge.

Winners will be rewarded with a trophy and bragging rights. 

Taylor urges NOTLers and sponsors to come out and join the fun, given all that Red Roof does in providing recreational and respite services to children, youth and young adults with special needs and their families.

“It’s just a remarkable organization with just the kindest people who are looking after people and families in our region,” Taylor said.

“And that’s one of the things that’s really important to me. The money we raise doesn’t just go to some national organization. It goes right here to the people who need it,” he said.

He’s hoping the rally will catch on and become an annual event every September.

To register a car for the Road Rally, go to redroofretreat.com/roadrally

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