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Friday, July 26, 2024
Chautauqua gardens showcase creativity of NOTLers
Holmes Hooke's garden tour at 5A Wilburforce Ave. featured a performance of rhyme for lucky guests who stopped by Saturday afternoon. Julia Sacco
Holmes Hooke's garden tour at 5A Wilburforce Ave. featured a performance of rhyme for lucky guests who stopped by Saturday afternoon. Julia Sacco
Holmes Hooke's interpretation of the Chautauqua garden tour included photos of the creatures that came to visit the garden in his time there. Julia Sacco
Holmes Hooke watched guests through his personal tour of 5 Wilberforce's garden, featuring his own photos and artwork. Julia Sacco
Maureen Montague from NOTL took a look at Holmes Hooke's nature photography during the garden tour. Julia Sacco
Benj Koffman supplied his artworks for the self-guided tour of 2 Froebel Ave. on the Chautauqua Garden Tour. Julia Sacco

Last weekend, residents and visitors to Chautauqua got to take an inside look at some of the most interesting gardens the community has to offer. 

The inaugural Chautauqua Art & Garden Tour hosted on Saturday featured 10 properties for viewing, free of charge. 

Home to a number of Niagara-on-the-Lake’s creative residents, all of the stops showcased an artistic element— whether it be paintings, drawings, photographs or digital creations.

Holmes Hooke’s interpretation of the tour at 5A Wilberforce Ave. gave visitors a full artistic experience.

Lined with photos of animals, drawings and paintings, the garden immersed guests in Hooke’s artistic works.

“All of the pictures were taken in this garden,” Hooke told The Lake Report.

His hobby photography started with birds visiting the garden, he said, then neighbourhood dogs and cars came through, along with bees, butterflies and more.

“People think they need flowers for colour, but I’ve got the colour,” he said, gesturing to vivid photos of birds on display.

Along with nature photography, Hooke also displayed his artwork selections, including unique one-line drawings.

“I just decided to do creative things. I think it’s got to do with the fact that it’s in there — you’ve just got to get it out,” Hooke said about his creative fuel.

He put on a short performance of spoken-word rhymes for guests along the tour, accompanied by a jingle stick.

“I’m a rhymer, I rhyme. And I’m a performer, I’ve been performing for years,” he said.

You can’t choose how to share your creativity, he added — the medium chooses you.


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