Is there anything more quintessentially Canadian than the Maple tree, and its magnificent leaves? Be it the radiating red leaf of the Autumn Blaze Maple tree, or of course the national tree of Canada (in Ontario at least), the Sugar Maple tree.
The maple leaf is a symbol of our unabashed patriotism, taking pride of place in the middle of our flag, emblazoned on the backs of our sports team’s jerseys, and a much sought after specimen for our gardens. And of course, the sweetest of associations for last; how many of us have taken our kids to a ‘sugar bush’, to watch Maple syrup being tapped straight from the tree into that silver metal buckets hanging on the trees, to be then made into our world famous nectar ‘Maple syrup’?
Of hardy stock, and with hundreds of cultivar, according to an Ontario Canada website some Maple trees can live upwards of 200 years, and reach heights of over 30 metres tall. Regardless of variety, images of Canadian children climbing branches, throwing the ‘keys’ (seeds) into the air to make helicopters, and jumping into a rustling piles of fall leaves, are simply part of the Canadian psyche.
If your garden isn’t large enough for such majestic specimens as the ‘Sparkling’ maple tree at 30 feet tall, there are plenty to choose from, with the moremodern cultivars of Japanese Maples being a popular specimen tree in many a Canadian Garden. Hardy to zones between five and six, these beautiful trees come in a variety of shapes and colours, from weeping to compact, but still have the charm and whimsy of their much taller and slightly hardier zone 4 through 6 cousins. Varieties such as the beautiful coral bark ‘sango Kaku’ or the Emperor 1 (improved Bloodgood) ,as well as the compact Adrian’s Japanese maple, “Adrians Compact” can add spectacular colour and texture to your garden.
The cultural importance of the maple tree cannot be overstated, its historical reach extending as far back at the nineteenth century; where according, the image of the Maple leaf was approved for use on the Ontario and Quebec coat of arms in 1868, and the Canadian coat of arms in 1921. It also took pride of place during both WWI and WWII on regimental badges and was confirmed as the official symbol of Canada in 1965.
So this Canada day, when you’re getting ready to settle down to watch the fireworks, take a look around at Canada’s very own version of ‘splendid display’, and admire the beauty of your culture, your history and your very own national tree…The Canadian Maple tree! Here at Mori Garden’s, with our extraordinary collection of over 60 different variety of maple trees, we’re celebrating Canada Day in our way; offering special prices on select maple trees, and an extra special something for clients who bring in this article.
If you see a beautiful Maple in your future, stop by and talk to one of our garden consultants; just remember these bad boys get big, and you might want help choosing the right maple for your space. There’s one for every garden!
Happy Canada Day