Diamond Estates Wine & Spirits, Ltd. announced it is reducing its carbon footprint and making wine-drinking more convenient with shatterproof single-serving plastic wine bottles.
Fiona Buchan, director of marketing, said she saw a high demand for single-serving bottles but that many venues had glass restrictions.
Hence the need to transition from glass to plastic.
Buchan said the 200 ml bottles feature an Amcor Stelvin screw cap, so they’re “great for picnics, barbecues and patios.”
The closure also has an oxygen barrier, according to Buchan, which extends shelf life from three or six months up to 12 months.
She said consumers will probably still want to pour the wine into a glass but that they “won’t judge” if you drink it right out of the bottle.
“Anything goes with wines, right?” she said. “Have fun with it.”

Diamond Estates said in a media release Tuesday that the plastic bottles are one sixth the weight of glass and are 100 per cent recyclable, meaning they require “less energy to make and transport.”
The company said the plastic is also shatterproof, eliminating the need for cardboard inserts.
Buchan said she dropped a bottle the day before speaking to Niagara Now and it didn’t break.
She said they are featuring three wines from its “most widely produced brand” in the new bottles – EastDell’s 2017 Pinot Grigio, 2017 Summer Rose and 2016 Black Cab.
You may purchase the bottles individually or in 24-packs “no bigger than a shoebox” at the company’s one-year-old wine store and tasting centre, The Lakeview Wine company, and at LCBOs and grocery stores, said Buchan.
She added that cases could be mix-matched when purchased at the Lakeview Wine company.