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Niagara Falls
Friday, July 26, 2024
Town using provincial grant for $82,000 website upgrade

The Town of Niagara-on-the-Lake has hired B.C.-based Upanup Studios Inc. to design and host a new town website at the cost of $82,885.

The money is coming from a $725,000 municipal modernization grant that NOTL is receiving to upgrade its service capacity, according to the province of Ontario's website.

A total of $100,000 has been allocated for the new website, which aims to streamline service and be more efficient for users, chief administrative officer Marnie Cluckie said to council on Monday Aug. 30.

Upanup hosts 40 websites for municipalities across Canada and redesigned the website for the Town of Collingwood in 2018.

The town will be paying $6,000 a year for Upanup to host the website on its servers. Upanup provided the town with pricing for the next three years, Cluckie said.

The town held a request for proposals and graded all companies that applied. Companies were graded according to experience and qualifications, references, ability to accommodate requests, methodology and pricing. Upanup scored 97 out of 100.

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