25.5 C
Niagara Falls
Friday, July 26, 2024
The Niaggregator: Journalist launches NOTL podcast
David Israelson.

David Israelson

Special to The Lake Report

Everyone has a story, and the Niaggregator wants to hear yours.

The Niaggregator is a new podcast that I hope will become essential listening for people in Niagara-on-the-Lake and nearby. The idea is to have a place where we can tell our own stories — the interesting and sometimes significant things people are doing, how we respond to events, what we like, what we’d like to change.

It’s simple. If you have something you want to talk about, or just something to say, you can contact the Niaggregator and let me know. Just email niaggregator1@gmail.com or send a DM (direct message) to @niaggregator. I’ll get back to you as fast as I can.

The Niaggregator will put our best stories into convenient podcast episodes, so everyone can share what’s going on. You’ll be able to listen to the Niaggregator and find out things you might not know about Canada’s most beautiful town.

We’ll also gather the stories and interviews from the Niaggregator podcast and share them on the niaggregator.com website — and with important news outlets like this one, The Lake Report.

Right now, of course, we’re all part of one big story — trying to manage our way through a worldwide crisis.

Most of us are staying home, self-isolating, keeping safe distances from our friends and neighbours. Others are bravely working on the front lines.

How is it for you? Are you going out of your skull or having fun? Taking up a new hobby? Fascinated with how weird your hair can get if you can’t get it cut? Written and recorded a cool song? Working on your memoirs? Embraced spring cleaning or making art out of dust bunnies?

Or are you a volunteer or front-line worker? Maybe helping to deliver food and supplies, working in an essential store or the vineyards. Or maybe you’re getting help from NOTL’s kind, hard-working friends and neighbours.

Whatever you are doing with yourselves and your time right now, tell us! This is Canada’s most beautiful town, but’s it’s more than just a pretty place.

Let the podcasts begin! Stay tuned, and help make the NIaggregator the place where we talk to each other — and listen.

David Israelson, producer of the Niaggregator, is a writer, journalist and communications consultant based in Niagara-on-the-Lake.

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