Everyone is invited to learn more about Niagara-on-the-Lake's community organizations during the Community Awareness Meeting held by NOTL Newcomers Club on Wednesday, Nov. 20.
The club, which usually holds its monthly meetings for members only, will open doors to everyone and no registration is required to attend the event.
The meeting will run from 1 p.m. to 3:30 p.m. in the auditorium at the NOTL Community Centre.
There will be representatives from more than 20 community organizations who will be providing information about their groups.
Attendees can learn more about organizations such as The Historical Museum, Friends of Fort George, May Court, Communities in Bloom, The Community Centre, The Dinner Dance Club, Chamber of Commerce, NOTL Horticultural Society, NOTL Palliative Care, The Shaw Guild, NOTL Public Library, Riverbrink Museum, Newark Neighbours, Rotary Club, Willowbank, NOTL Writers’ Circle, Community Crew, CARP Niagara, Nyanyas of Niagara , Red Roof Retreat, Pumphouse Art Gallery, KidSport Niagara, Music Niagara, and Heart and Stroke Association.
Speaker Jodey Porter will also make a presentation titled, Laughing Elephants And Other Stories: Adventures on the other side of our world.
Porter, who’s an active member of the community and a volunteer for numerous organizations, will talk about her journeys around the world and how, as a member of the United Nations Human Rights Commission, she travelled into places of civil wars and political coups.
Refreshments will also be provided.
The NOTL Newcomers Club is a non-profit organization for women who have recently moved to NOTL and for women who have experienced major changes in their lives. The club holds monthly meetings at 1:30 p.m. on the third Wednesdays of the month at the community centre.