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Niagara Falls
Friday, July 26, 2024
Artifact of the week–#3-Gravy boat and saucer

Artifact of the Week: Gravy Boat and Saucer (969.71(A&B))

Clue: You won’t see me sailing on the seven seas but I’m docked at your Thanksgiving table!

Answer: Gravy Boat and Saucer

Last week’s artifact was a gravy boat and saucer dating to ca. 1805 that was used at the Moffatt Inn at Picton and Davy streets. The Moffatt Inn was constructed in 1835 by Richard Moffatt Jr., who purchased the land from James Crooks, and it became one of the 28 taverns in the town. Stagecoaches travelling from Hamilton to Fort Erie would often stop at this hotel, to allow its passengers to rest. The Iinn is still in operation today and the former stables is presently a pub named the Coach & Horses. This houseware was produced by the Davenport Pottery company in England.

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