23.1 C
Niagara Falls
Friday, July 26, 2024
On the tee: Golfers celebrate Canada Day in style


Jim Sifton scoops almost $600 in skins

Mark Derbyshire was the winner on the scoreboard with an even-par 36 in NOTL Golf Club men’s league play on June 27.

But the big winner was Jim Sifton, whose birdie 3 on the seventh hole won him both the gross and net skins, and a total of $594. He said the looping 35-footer was a lucky shot, but it sure “paid off.”

The skins totals had been accumulating for a few weeks, which led to the big payday. Sifton also tied for top “A” Flight honours with 23 points.

Other winners: Closest to pin: A.J. Harland (#2), Brian Campbell (#4), John Kozik (#7), Larry Bourk (#9). Long drive: Jeff Jacques (#3), Ron Planche (#8). “A” Flight: Dragan Racic, Ted Wiens (23). “B” Flight: Tom Eltoft (24).

WOOFs league: In June 25 WOOFs play, Peter  Falconer was low gross winner with 43. Low net: Gerry Shelly (30) and Martin Vagnars (31). Closest to pin: Jack Hanna (#4). Hidden hole: Vagnars (#6). 50/50 winner Rick Schulz ($45).

Women’s leagues: The nine and 18-hole women’s leagues held their annual mid-season scramble and picnic lunch on July 2. Top group was Lyn Sanders, Linda Williams and Barbara Ahluwalia with a 1-under 35. Second was the foursome of Michele Darling, Karen Burr, Deborah Williams and Charlotte Kainola. Closet to line: Margot Richardson and Charlotte Kainola (#1). Closest to pin: Judy Cardiff (#4). Long drive: Margot Richardson and Cathy Saytar (#8).

Couples league: Canada’s birthday was the theme for the Friday Couples league and three groups tied for lowest score with even-par 36. Winners by the mysterious process of retrogression were: First: Gerry Shelly & Peggy Larder and Jim & Janice McMacken. Second: Mike Eagen & Michele Darling and George & Kathleen Davie. Third: Kevin MacLean & May Chang and Jack & Eileen Hanna. Most honest: Paul & Ginny Green and Don & Cathy Saytar. Closest to pin: Dave Gagne and Patty Garriock. Long putt: Rai Lauge and Lyn Sanders.



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