25.8 C
Niagara Falls
Friday, July 26, 2024
Local postmaster honours rescue workers

A local Canada Post worker recently delivered a bit of holiday spirit to Niagara’s local rescue workers.

Queenston postmaster Mena Spadafora presented a plaque from Canada Post Nov. 30 to a variety of local rescue organizations, to commemorate the work the organization does in the region.

She presented one of the plaques to the rescue workers at Civil Air Rescue and Emergency Services Niagara the Niagara District Airport during a special ceremony, and attended ceremonies in Niagara Falls to hand out plaques to the Niagara Regional Police, the Niagara Parks Police and the RCMP. She also visited the EMS headquarters in NOTL to give a plaque to paramedics, and Queenston for a final presentation made on Monday to local firefighters.

Spadafora got the idea after Canada Post unveiled a series of postage stamps honouring the country’s first responders and rescue workers.

“Canada Post wanted to honour all of you, today my colleague Doug Binning and I wanted to take it one step further,” said Spadafora, during the ceremony at the airport. “We wanted to take the opportunity to say thank you in person for all that you do.”

“Through their life saving duties, search and rescue experts often find themselves in life threatening situations such as avalanches, extreme weather conditions or high seas,” she said.

CARES Niagara is responsible for aviation safety in the region, as well as operating air search operations across south-central Ontario in a supporting role with the Canadian Military.

Terry Nord, CARES officer, said the postage stamp and the presentation of the plaque means a lot not only to the Niagara branch but to the whole CASARA organization and that it is a great honour to be recognized in this way.

“Were all volunteers and to be recognized, not just by our peers but by Canada Post it means a lot to us and is a great incentive for us and for our training.”

CARES ­­­training officer Randy Klaassen said the plaque will be hung on a wall in their training room for everyone to see.

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