The Queenston Residents Association is offering a chance for folks to fill their freezers and bellies with goodies at its annual bake sale on Dec. 1 from 9 a.m. to 1 p.m. at the Queenston Public Library.
The library will be stocked full of baked goods such as squares, loaves and cookies, while the freezers will be stocked with the perennially popular tourtieres and chicken casseroles for which the event has become known.
“We started testing out the market for them with just a few to begin with,” said Marilyn Armstrong, chair of the QRA’s fundraising committee, “and they just took off.”
“The demand was definitely there. We sell out of them every year.”
The committee of ladies, accompanied by dedicated locals, spends a couple of days making the pies and casseroles — with a lot of chatting involved.
“We made 164 tourtieres this year, and we’ve sold more than 90 of them already,” said Armstrong with pride.
The recipe is an old family gem from one of the residents of the community, and features ground pork and ground beef with a special blend of spices nestled into a flaky pastry crust.
The chicken casserole, another popular item, features chicken in a creamy sauce with a bread crumb and cheese topping.
Of the 160 casseroles, more than half have been pre-sold.
The sale will feature gently used donated Christmas decorations as well, with donations being accepted until one week before the sale.
The money raised will go toward preserving the village of Queenston, as well as donations to local charities such as Newark Neighbours and the Red Roof Retreat.
Lately some money has been earmarked for the fight against the Whirlpool Jet Boats’ use of buses to bring customers through the town.
Last year the sale netted $5,500, and the QRA hopes to reap a similar amount this year.
Tourtieres are $20 each, chicken casseroles are $25, and both can be ordered by calling Armstrong at 905-262-0268 or by sending her an email at
The meals are frozen and uncooked; baking instructions will be included.
There is no entrance fee for the event, and parking is free.
Coffee and muffins will also be available.