Thursday, Dec. 15: Mercury is in charge today, first with a connection to Chiron encouraging a forgive-and-forget approach to whatever comes your way. Then it offers a very different kind of connection to Mars which, even though you are angry, may fall on deaf ears. Perhaps it’s time to adjust expectations. On Dec. 15, 1939, “Gone with the Wind” premiered. With its revenue adjusted for inflation, the classic remains the highest grossing film of all time.
Friday, Dec. 16: Today is the third-quarter moon in Virgo, where the moon is 90 degrees to the sun in Sagittarius. It’s a challenge supported by both Pluto and Jupiter. Be determined but also laid back to make the most of it. It was Dec. 16, 1927, that Arthur C. Clarke was born. His most famous writing is still “2001: A Space Odyssey.”
Saturday, Dec. 17: A very positive connection between Mercury in Capricorn with Uranus in Taurus gets a positive boost from Venus in Capricorn. It is a day where wide-eyed meets the future. Canada’s long-serving prime minister, William Lyon Mackenzie King, was born on Dec. 17, 1874.
Sunday, Dec. 18: Lady luck is here for everyone today. Take advantage of opportunities that have been waiting for you to recognize them. “Avatar,” James Cameron’s top grossing film starring Sam Worthington and Sigourney Weaver was released on Dec. 18, 2009.Â
Monday, Dec. 19: Both Venus and Mars connect to Chiron today. With Venus there is a drive to remove or fix harmful relationships. With Mars comes an opportunity to heal and finally clear up a long-standing issue and see a better way forward. Stanley Kubrick’s “A Clockwork Orange” premiered on Dec. 19, 1971.
Tuesday, Dec. 20: Today, Jupiter enters Aries. Jupiter has already spent a few months in Aries, so this energy is not completely new. However, this time Jupiter is in Aries to stay for a while and to fulfil more of its mission. Jupiter in Aries is bold and courageous. He’s convinced he’s right and there’s nothing that’s going to stop Jupiter in Aries from going for what he believes in. Jupiter in Aries invites you to be bold and courageous in the area of your life ruled by Aries. This energy will influence you until May 2023, so you have a good four and half months to take purposeful action. Before Donald Trump coined the phrase “billions and billions,” astronomer Carl Sagan used it as key words in his 1980 TV series, “Cosmos.”
Wednesday, Dec. 21: At 4:48 p.m. today, we mark the winter solstice. It’s the day the sun enters Capricorn. This comes with tremendous energy and sense of direction. We now feel we can move mountains. This is a great time to be clear about what it is that you want to achieve. Happy birthday #85 to Jane Fonda.