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Monday, September 16, 2024
Horoscope: Saturday could bring some surprises

Expect a quarter moon in Aquarius and more from Uranus as a week of sweet surprises gets underway.

Thursday, Nov. 11: At 7:45 this morning, the moon is exactly 90 degrees from the sun. It’s the moment of the first quarter moon. It’s a stressful time where feelings are driven by ideas and not in an overly co-operative way. This may last for days to come. It was the 11th hour of the 11th day of the 11th month in 1918 that the combatants in the First World War signed the armistice, ending the war. To this day we celebrate this moment as Remembrance Day.

Friday, Nov. 12: Neptune in Pisces is in perfect harmony with the sun in Scorpio. Good news comes to wherever these objects are in your chart. For me, it’s good news for my reputation, as my Neptune is in my 10th house. On Nov. 12, 1606, Jeanne Mance was born in France. She trained as a nurse and after moving to Canada, opened North America’s first hospital, the Hotel Dieu in Montreal.

Saturday, Nov. 13: Surprises today include news of revealed secrets which give long-term plans a boost. Happy birthday number 66 to Whoopi Goldberg. Grammy winner, actress and panellist on “The View,” she is controversial and common sensical.

Sunday, Nov. 14: In spite of the stress, Jupiter is in an Amazonian mood of timely delivery today. Security is improved. It was Nov. 14, 1896, that Nikola Tesla threw the switch to turn on the hydroelectric power at Niagara Falls. This was the result of a lifetime of dreaming for Tesla. Recently, the power station has been reconfigured to a tourism site. It has enjoyed rave reviews.

Monday, Nov. 15: Another super delivery day, again from Jupiter. But this time, with gifts without stress. In 1929, William Lyon MacKenzie King was sworn in as Canada’s 10th prime minister. He would be sworn in two more times, retiring in 1948 after serving 19 years.

Tuesday, Nov. 16: The sun in Scorpio gets a friendly bump from Pluto in Capricorn so Tuesday has a sexy edge to it. Extraordinary talent sometimes ends in great tragedy. Such is the case with Phil Hartman. Born in Brantford, he went on the “Saturday Night Live” where he played Bill Clinton. His tragic murder happened when he was only 49.

Wednesday, Nov. 17: Today it’s Mars opposite Uranus. Be mindful of situations causing bodily harm. And overly sensitive feelings ask for accommodation and support. Happy birthday to the computer mouse, patented Nov. 17, 1970.

Please check out the new website www.lutts.ca as in Looking Up to the Stars. And you can get my free horoscope with interpretation emailed to you.

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