16.9 C
Niagara Falls
Thursday, May 2, 2024
Stay Fit NOTL: Fitness on vacation

Jaclyn Willms

Special to The Lake Report

It is the season for vacations and travelling and your fitness and health may get pushed to the back burner.  Don’t let it! Here are five tips you can practice while you’re away to keep your health in the forefront.

Enjoy your vacations!

Tips on staying fit while travelling;

1. Drink tons of water. Staying hydrated is key.

2. Take the stairs as often as you can. Work those glutes!

3. Buy groceries instead of always eating out.

4. Make tea your new favourite drink!

5. Get in some movement or stretching to keep your muscles moving and blood flowing.

For videos on how to perform these stretches correctly visit @niagarafit on instagram.

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