12.4 C
Niagara Falls
Thursday, May 2, 2024
You ask, we answer: Who’s responsible for clearing snow around fire hydrants?

Lake Report reader Susan Pohorly inquired this week about snow removal around parking meters.

“We took a slow drive around our Niagara today and noticed many fire hydrants were barely visible or long stretches of nothing. There were however many that residents had dug out. Who’s responsible?” she wrote.

“It would be a shame if a fire happened in an area where the hydrant could not be located. I know where ours is and that it is fully visible and accessible.”

Adam Allcock, manager of public works for the Town of Niagara-on-the-Lake, said the town is responsible for clearing hydrants.

“As a function and responsibility of the town’s winter control measures, operations staff clear around parking meters when performing cleanup after a snowfall,” he said.

However, the town’s website does remind residents to keep hydrants clear, too.

“Keep fire hydrants clear and accessible as in the event of a fire, gaining access could be critical,” the town’s website snow removal page reads.

So, while not a legal responsibility, it doesn’t hurt to lend and hand — it might help save a life.

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