13.2 C
Niagara Falls
Friday, May 3, 2024
Step 2 of reopening means haircuts, bigger groups

It’s time for a haircut.

The province is entering Stage 2 of reopening on Wednesday, which means people can now gather in groups of 25 outdoors and groups of five indoors.

Outdoor dining now allows for six people per table and essential retail stores can now have 50 per cent capacity inside.

Non-essential retail stores are capped at at 25 per cent capacity.

Stores within shopping malls are also allowed to reopen, with restrictions.

Religious ceremonies, including weddings and funerals, can now have up to 25 per cent capacity.

Overnight camps will also be allowed to open.

Hairdressers and other personal services are allowed to operate at 25 per cent capacity, with face masks required at all times.

Outdoor meeting and event spaces, sports games, libraries and amusement parks can operate at 25 per cent capacity.

Outdoor cinemas, performing arts, live music events and attractions can open at 25 per cent capacity.

People are still being encouraged to get their first dose of vaccine if they haven’t done so already.

Anyone who has had a first shot is also now eligible to book a second shot.

“I am pleased that the number of vaccines is high for our province,” said Lord Mayor Betty Disero.

“This means that people are taking care of themselves and others and are doing their part to contribute towards our combined effort to move past COVID-19 and enter a consistent stage of recovery.”

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