12.4 C
Niagara Falls
Thursday, May 2, 2024
Editorial: Kudos during trying times

It’s ages past Christmas, but it’s not too late to appreciate the efforts of local Santa wannabe and Lake Reporter Tim Taylor to raise funds for NOTL Palliative Care.

During the pandemic, Taylor went to extreme lengths, partnering with Niagara College’s broadcasting program to bring his virtual Santa to the people and kids of NOTL.

Kudos, Tim. Your passion for this town and helping others is unwavering.

In the spirit of thanks, we’d like to recognize some other community heroes for outstanding contributions to our town.

So …

Kudos to the Three Musketeers – Ryan Crawford, David Watt and Paul Harber – for another great community project to raise money for the NOTL Museum. History and heritage is an important part of our town, and raising money for our museum is a worthy cause. Our museum does an incredible job of keeping history very much a piece of our present.

Kudos to New Democrat MPP Wayne Gates for his vocal criticisms of our vaccine rollout.

Niagara has gotten the short stick, it appears. And having people fighting for our region is crucial for us moving forward to ensure residents that need the vaccine the most are at the front of the line and that supplies are stable.

And kudos again to our long-term care homes for as they struggle to deal with COVID outbreaks and ensuring staff and residents receive the Pfizer vaccine quickly. As well, their openness surrounding stark details about the COVID-19 outbreaks is refreshing in an era in which many public institutions are less than forthcoming with releasing information.

Vaccines being administered in NOTL is history in the making, and with media access limited, it’s sincerely appreciated that our long-term care homes provided photos of these historic vaccinations to our local media. 

We wish you the best during these trying times. 


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