22.6 C
Niagara Falls
Wednesday, May 1, 2024
Editorial: A message to the people of NOTL

We all know these are difficult times, for everyone. Staying safe and healthy are paramount.

Here at The Lake Report, our skeleton crew, supplemented by input from loyal readers and a small army of regular contributors, literally has been working day and night to bring you the most comprehensive and relevant news about how NOTL is affected by the COVID-19 pandemic.

Thank you to everyone who has helped out, offered news tips and is doing stellar work in the community to look after your friends, neighbours – and strangers. We want to continue to tell our community’s stories.

While The Lake Report prides itself on bringing you numerous stories every week that you simply won’t find anywhere else – in print, on our website niagaranow.com and on social media – no one knows how long we will be able to continue printing the paper edition.

Advertising is the lifeblood of newspapers like ours and with so many NOTL businesses closed, your paper is smaller.

If printing the paper becomes unaffordable, impossible logistically, or distribution is unsafe because of fears of community spread of COVID-19, we will move to an online and social media platform. 

In the meantime, there are ways you can consider ensuring our small business remains strong and able to bring you the news: You could join the scores of NOTLers who have dug into their own pockets and made donations to our cause. To them, we are eternally grateful.

You can sign up for our daily email newsletters at niagaranow.com and follow us on Facebook. That way you will not miss a thing. 

If you operate a business that is still open in the community, let The Lake Report help you reach your audience. We have an engaged and loyal audience that wants to support your business.

But in the meantime, please stay safe, stay healthy and stay in touch.


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